00:31 Baby Driver: Catherine's daughter is now licensed to drive, despite a mishap during her road test. 04:20 Frightening Films: Inspired by the movie A Quiet Place, we pitch our scariest parenting-themed horror movie ideas, featuring crying babies, IEP meetings, and more. 15:08 Speed Round: Parent-Spotting: We talk about those dead giveaways that allow us to spot fellow moms and dads in the wild. 24:50 Roundabout Roundup: Baggallini bags, Terri's dog My Girl on Twitter, and "What Your Favorite LaCroix Flavor Says About You." 29:53 Shameless Self-Promotion: Nicole's book is coming out this week; "Get to Know How Your Baby Learns"; and a new Dancing with the Stars mini-season, coming soon to Round 2 (here's who's dancing). Thanks as always to Jon Morin for our fun in-and-out music. If you're reading this somewhere without hyperlinks, come to http://parentingroundabout.com for the full recap experience.
It's family birthday season for Catherine and Terri, and book launch season for Nicole, so it seems like a good time to review our celebration traditions, from ceremonial plates to congratulation cheesecakes to paying too much for dinner. A tweet about a survey saying Americans would rather clean a toilet than create a new password they'd then have to remember got us thinking ... really? Really? I mean, it's not like we're wild about either, but that doesn't seem like a reasonable comparison. April is Stress Awareness Month, so we took a little look at the stress situation in our personal homes. And we don't even mention the stress of putting out a daily podcast. Your road map to this week's entertainment-themed podcast: 00:37 One Day at a Time: In season 2's "Lockdown," we feel for Penelope when her Alone/Boyfriend Time is cruelly interrupted by a neighborhood lockdown (and a shoe-horned gun-control discussion). Mentioned: One of Alan Sepinwall's columns on the show. 6:41 The West Wing: "Angel Maintenance" and its accompanying West Wing Weekly podcast episode gave us lots of behind-the-scenes on both the real and fictional Air Force One. Plus, an adorable bonus episode of the podcast featured Hamilton's own Lin-Manuel Miranda and Tommy Kail. Mentioned: Little House on the Podcast and this Tony Awards montage. 20:18 Challenge Round: But Enough About Me: Catherine challenged Terri to read this memoir by Jancee Dunn, all about her career interviewing celebrities. Thanks to the short chapters, Terri was hooked right away! For next week, Terri challenged Catherine to watch the movie He's Just Not That Into You. It's the latest in Terri's series on "movies that are not precisely good but I will watch them anytime." We'll also watch the next two episodes of One Day at a Time ("Exclusive" and "What Happened"), and instead of West Wing, episodes 2 and 3 of Trophy Wife ("Cold File" and "The Social Network"). 00:32 Birthday Week: It's official. All our kids are now Facebook-legal (13 and up). 8:16 Self-Care Stagnation: With all these grown-up, independent kids, we should be doing great at exercising, scheduling medical appointments, and other important tasks. Just guess how that's going! 23:35 Speed Round: Paw Patrol: Jeff Goldblum and Bill Murray suggest you bring your pooch along when you see their movie, Isle of Dogs. For the sake of everyone's sanity, we're going to pass. (Mentioned: Selma Blair on Kevin Pollak's Chat Show) 31:15 Roundabout Roundup: Apple Music Radio, Jesus Christ Superstar, the Habitica app. 42:04 Shameless Self-Promotion: Polls on our Twitter feed, "How to Boost Little Kids' Interest in STEM," and Nicole's Facebook Live chat with Visions and Voices Together. Thanks as always to Jon Morin for our fun in-and-out music. If you're reading this somewhere without hyperlinks, come to http://parentingroundabout.com for the full recap experience. The gas line work being done in Terri's neighborhood, as mentioned in yesterday's Speed Round, is good for a second topic as we discuss gas vs. electric, if that's even a thing. Gas line work in Terri's neighborhood and the need for a young fellow to come in the house and turn stuff off and on led her to wonder: Is it good manners to chat in a friendly way with workfolk in your home, or should you just shut up and leave them to do their thing? So of course, she checked in with Catherine and Nicole for a consensus. Like folks didn't already have enough to disagree about these days, top sheets have become a hot topic on the Internet. (Or they were when we recorded this. Given the lifespan of Internet hot topics, people have probably moved on to some other ridiculous triviality by now.) We give our opinion on this vital issue, and though we do not agree, we remain civil. It can be done, people. Your road map to this week's entertainment-themed podcast: 00:30 One Day at a Time: We continue season 2 with "To Zir with Love" and "Roots," which had a nice balance of Big Issues and Rita Moreno Zingers. 7:25 The West Wing: The season 4 episode "Privateers" also gave us one day at a time, with all sorts of problems for our heroes to take on in 18 hours. The West Wing Weekly podcast was full of good guests, including Ethel Beavers! 17:34 Challenge Round: Trophy Wife and Go On: Terri challenged Catherine to try the pilot episodes of these two "found family" shows, and she enjoyed them both. Next time a hole opens up in our busy viewing calendar, we'll continue with Trophy Wife (read a discussion of that term, and listen to the Nerdist podcast Terri mentioned). For next week, though, we stick with One Day at a Time ("Locked Down" and "Work Hard, Play Hard") and The West Wing ("Angel Maintenance"). And Catherine challenges Terri to read But Enough About Me, a memoir about celebrity encounters from Jancee Dunn. |
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