We have our faves, sure, but it depends on whether we're at a restaurant or home; or it's morning or evening; or we're in the US or Canada.
Your road map to this week's entertainment-themed episode: 00:45 The Good Place: We're watching with bated breath as this season nears its close; we're already worried about how we'll be left hanging for months after next week's ep! 10:35 The West Wing: Season 4's "Guns Not Butter" took on serious issues (food security, foreign aid) while also delivering many laughs, often at the expense of Josh Malina's character, Will Bailey. Mentioned: The West Wing Weekly podcast and Malina's fundraising challenge. 17:59 Challenge Round: How to Deal: Terri challenged Catherine to watch this 2003 movie, starring Mandy Moore and our beloved Allison Janney, as well as Trent Ford, who plays the obnoxious Jean Paul on West Wing. We both agreed that here, he's much more agreeable, if not quite a fully formed character. For next week, Catherine challenged both Terri and herself to watch the first episode of the Netflix original series Godless. In another case of us following fave actors from show to show, this one stars Michelle Dockery, aka Lady Mary from Downton Abbey. We'll also watch the final season 2 episode of The Good Place ("Somewhere Else") and West Wing's "The Long Goodbye." 00:27 Travels with Catherine: We know you'll be jealous when you hear where Catherine stopped on her 15-hour trip from Wisconsin to Kansas. 06:22 The Buzz About Bouncing Back: "Resilience" is a big buzzword in parenting and education, but what does it even mean? And is there really a way to help every child develop it? 23:40 Speed Round: Pack Your Bags, Kids! We discuss whether our kids can be trusted to pack their own suitcases, and the value of a packing list that comes from an authority figure other than Mom. 32:12 Roundabout Roundup: Dog Shaming (and WeRateDogs, on Twitter and in book form); SocialOomph; and the GroupMe app. 38:24 Shameless Self-Promotion: This very show on PlayerFM's Best Parenting Podcasts; Nicole's book, with a review from Terri; the podcast on Instagram. Thanks as always to Jon Morin for our fun in-and-out music. If you're reading this somewhere without hyperlinks, come to http://parentingroundabout.com for the full recap experience. Though it seems like we already have too many channels to watch, we can still think of a few we wish we could see — whether they don't exist yet or our cable companies limit us. We try to avoid the sounds of human suffering and anguish, whether from Criminal Minds or The Bachelor or sports. We talk about the video games we've played, the video games we've watched other people play, and the apps we'd like to call video games. Your road map to this week's entertainment-themed episode: 00:37 The Good Place: The gang travels to the Bad Place HQ, apparently via the Wayback Machine. 08:47 The West Wing: Yay, West Wing is back, and also sends us back in time—to Brooklyn in the 1950s to meet Toby's father in the episode "Holy Night." Mentioned: The West Wing Weekly podcast. 16:48 Challenge Round: Little House on the Podcast: Continuing this week's throwback theme, Catherine challenged Terri to travel to the 1870s by way of the 1970s show Little House on the Prairie and Kim Reed's wonderful recaps on Little House on the Podcast. For next week, Terri challenged Catherine to watch the movie How to Deal, featuring Allison "So Good" Janney, Mandy "This Is Us" Moore, and Trent "Zoey Bartlet's hateable boyfriend" Ford. We'll also watch the new Good Place ("The Burrito") and the next episode of West Wing in the lineup, "Guns and Butter." 00:29 Kristen Goes North: Nicole's daughter is planning a trip to the motherland. 07:20 Way Beyond Fire Drills: What happens at school when there's a real lockdown or a fake earthquake? Nothing good—but we don't have any better ideas, either. 26:00 Monday Speed Round: Emergency Prep: Nicole has an earthquake kit and Catherine has a whole lot of toilet paper. Terri's going to be up a creek if there's a disaster. Mentioned: PBS's "Frontier House" and this Volkswagen commercial on panic-packing the car. 35:00 Roundabout Roundup: "Somebody Feed Phil" on Netflix (plus this Writer's Panel podcast about it, and our Round 2 look at "An Idiot Abroad"); Learn & Play Tip-a-Day app from Brookes Publishing; Little People, Big Dreams series of biographical picture books from Frances Lincoln Books. 40:35 Shameless Self-Promotion: Parenting Roundabout on Spotify; Want to Raise an Eager Learner?; 5 Easy Ways to Teach Students Who Work Below Grade Level in Your Classroom. Thanks as always to Jon Morin for our fun in-and-out music. If you're reading this somewhere without hyperlinks, come to http://parentingroundabout.com for the full recap experience. Did he have a nice hairdo? Did he wear a very stylish shirt? Was he simply, blessedly available? We look back at the things that made our guys stand out. Whether you're into hifalutin rhymes, delightful children's verse, or stuff that will make Terri have to dig out the bleep sound effect again, we've got some poetry for you. (The childhood-wall-hanging text Nicole couldn't remember, BTW, isn't really a poem, but maybe a topic for a future episode on parenting judgy-ness: "Children Learn What They Live.") |
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