Catherine's trying to duck a movie, Nicole needs her Canadian iced tea, and Terri would like you to make our podcast stats move, please.
00:31 Bathroom Beautification: Terri's master bath is getting a spruce-up, to ensure that the floor doesn't cave in. 06:22 You Win Some, You Lose Some: Nicole brings us this week's rant, about parents who elbow other kids out of the way to help their own offspring get ahead. 25:11 Friday Speed Round: When Kids Want to Change Their Names: Terri's daughter found out the hard way that Facebook doesn't look too kindly on name changes made just for fun. (Wondering how Nicole's daughter likes her name? We're waiting on a text. Check back at 45:54.) 31:23 Interview of the Week: Robert Rummel-Hudson: Terri chats with Robert Rummel-Hudson, author of Schuyler's Monster and blogger at Support for Special Needs, about his daughter's summer internship. 46:33 Shameless Self-Promotion: Terri wants you to Get a Running Start on Your Back-to-School Advocacy; Nicole wants you to follow her on Twitter; Catherine wants you to contact her if you're a children's book editor or agent. Thanks as always to Jon Morin for our fun in-and-out music. If you're reading this somewhere without hyperlinks, come to for the full recap experience.
Checking out the Kickstarter for the super-duper Sandman Doppler clock radio got Terri wondering why ordinary clock radios are so @#$%@ inscrutable. We're listening to Spotify, Apple Music, satellite radio, and iTunes purchases ... yet it's hard to let those old physical music-bearers go. A chat last week about losing things loaned leads us to today's discussion of actual deliberate theft. And mugging! Your road map to this week's entertainment-themed podcast: 00:48 Master of None: "Door 3" brought us back to more conventional storytelling, and got us thinking about a totally different show ("My Grandmother's Ravioli," with Mo Rocca); we're looking forward to next week's Denise-centered episode. 5:40 The West Wing: Check! It was all about chess on "Hartsfield's Landing" (except when it was about the pranks, which Joshua Malina ranked on the West Wing Weekly podcast). 12:43 Challenge Round: Elizabethtown: Terri and Catherine agree that this Cameron Crowe movie, starring Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst, has been unfairly dissed by critics. Try it! (Mentioned: Chef and A Man Called Ove). For next time, Catherine challenged Terri to watch the 2015 movie Spy (starring Melissa McCarthy and also featuring our pal Allison Janney). Plus, Master of None's "Thanksgiving" and The West Wing's "Dead Irish Writers." We check in from California/Canada, New Jersey/California, and Wisconsin/New York to compare notes on the different way people talk about things like carbonated beverages, major driving thoroughfares, an Italian favorite, and coffee. (Mentioned: podcast on stuff we borrowed out and didn't get back.) 00:31 Camp Report, and an Apology: Catherine's son successfully brought home three dirty rags from camp, and Terri has a correction on last week's episode. 08:23 Mom Guilt, Subtype 214A: We discuss guilt of the "it's not you, it's me" variety, as in "You should play the trombone because I didn't get to be in the band when I was a kid." 29:31 Friday Speed Round: Parenting Warning Labels: Inspired by the funny ladies of I Mom So Hard, we riff on the labels that should come with your firstborn. 36:00 Roundabout Roundup: Terri's singing about her Neutron shower speaker, Catherine points you to the cute puppy pics on Robert Rummel-Hudson's Instagram, and Nicole is pretty darn pleased with 44:09 Shameless Self-Promotion: Create a Teacher Information Packet for Your Child with Special Needs, 10 Mistakes You Don't Want to Make in the Inclusive Class, Build Your Child's Word Bank. Thanks as always to Jon Morin for our fun in-and-out music. If you're reading this somewhere without hyperlinks, come to for the full recap experience. If called on to lead, oh, all right, we'll do it — but we'd rather be the workhorse or the puppet-master. |
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