Your road map to this week's entertainment-themed episode: 00:36 Dancing with the Stars: Terri discovered that she can enjoy a contemporary routine, but neither of us enjoyed the very rushed double elimination that ended the Halloween episode. Mentioned: Season 1 star Kelly Monaco's controversial win and super-sexy dancing; Team FranneyPack's adorable Facebook Live video; that week with no elimination that we couldn't quite remember. 16:30 The West Wing: Season 4 continued with episode 3, "College Kids," which is somewhat unremarkable (except for Allison Janney's really toned abs). Mentioned: The West Wing Weekly podcast ep. 24:45 Challenge Round: The Good Place: Catherine challenged Terri to watch the first two episodes of season 1 of The Good Place. It turned out that even knowing the big spoiler about season 1 did not spoil our enjoyment of this very funny show. For next week, Terri challenged Catherine to watch the 1984 movie All of Me, starring Steve Martin and Lily Tomlin (whom we are now enjoying as Debbie Fiderer on The West Wing). We'll watch that, West Wing's "The Red Mass," and Dancing with the Stars trio night.
We've previously gone on record with our dessert decisions (or indecisiveness). Today, in honor of Halloween and bags of sweets coming into homes everywhere for moms to pick through, we play "this or that" with hard candy vs. gummy, chocolate pure vs. with stuff in, fake grape vs. fake cherry, minty vs. spicy, and Tootsie Pop vs. Blow Pop vs. throwing them both in the trash. Last Monday, we talked seriously about some possible additions to valedictorian in honoring high-school seniors. Today, we take a lighter look, prompted by former teacher Nicole who has been making her list. 00:38 Homecoming: Nicole gets to visit Canada, and the season of autumn. She packed sweaters! 06:33 The Romantic Lives of Our Teens and Young Adults: How much do we, can we, and should we oversee and intervene in our kids' dating lives? We're not sure, but Terri does have a business idea that just might take off. 30:06 Friday Speed Round: Warning Labels: Contents under pressure! 36:22 Interview of the Week: Terri has a very cheerful chat with Robert Rummel-Hudson, author of Schuyler's Monster and blogger at Support for Special Needs. 53:56 Shameless Self-Promotion: Too Old for Cool, What You Didn't Know About Common Core Curriculum in the Inclusive Classroom, support your local museums. Thanks as always to Jon Morin for our fun in-and-out music. If you're reading this somewhere without hyperlinks, come to for the full recap experience.
Your road map to this week's entertainment-themed podcast: 00:41 Dancing with the Stars: Movie Night brought us everything from a hockey-themed paso doble to a classic Rhumba for a Dead Person to a pretty unfortunate blue wig. 11:13 The West Wing: Part 2 of the season 4 opener, "20 Hours in America," truly delivers on everything the show set up in part 1. That Sorkin kid can write! 22:43 Challenge Round: A Visit from the Goon Squad: Terri read a book! Well, she listened to one, which probably added an extra level of challenge to this round. This book, by Jennifer Egan, is also a master class in callbacks, foreshadowing, and flashbacks, just like "20 Hours in America." For next week, Catherine challenged Terri to watch the first two episodes of season 1 of The Good Place, because we can no longer ignore the chatter about it from other podcasts we listen to. We'll discuss that, plus S4E3 of The West Wing ("College Kids") and of course, Dancing with the Stars. Some folks want to put limits on who gets to hit us up for candy, but we're more likely to impose a minimum age limit. (You want candy for your baby? Really?) With some school districts considering ditching the valedictorian designation due to out-of-control competitiveness, we propose some other efforts we'd like to see honored. 00:29 Canada Mourns: Nicole is saddened by the loss of two important Canadians, actor John Dunsworth and Gord Downie of The Tragically Hip. 06:40 Were Our Parents Good Parents? We have no complaints. Well, maybe a few tiny ones. Mentioned: Transforming the Difficult Child by Howard Glasser; The Child with Special Needs by Stanley Greenspan; The No-Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley; psychologist Adele Brodkin. 27:39 Friday Speed Round: Morning Routines: The ability to wake up without an alarm clock is not a universal feature of most kids... or parents. 37:33 Roundabout Roundup: Catherine's coloring with the Sandbox app; Nicole's reading SciBabe on Facebook; and Terri recommends these gluten-free goodies: GeeFree puffed-pastry snacks, Lebby Chickpea Snacks, Honey Stinger energy chews, and Garlic Expressions salad dressing. 45:04 Shameless Self-Promotion: Terri's tweets from the Gluten-Free and Allergy-Friendly Expo; Star Babies; Nicole's book (again!) on Amazon. Thanks as always to Jon Morin for our fun in-and-out music. If you're reading this somewhere without hyperlinks, come to for the full recap experience. |
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