On today's Round 3, we complain about all those sports, activities, camps, and classes that we thought would be the answer to our prayers, but fell short (sometimes, way short). Who knew trying to help our kids find their passion and their tribe would be so hard?
On SYTYCD, there was 55 minutes of dancing, and 5 minutes of "huh?" as the top 10 girls were reduced to the top 5: Anna, Madison, Mariah, Sophie, and Stephanie.
On The West Wing, the message we took from "Message of the Week" (season 7) was, not surprisingly, that we're not cut out for politics. Next week, we'll see the top 10 guys on So You Think You Can Dance. And instead of a West Wing episode, we'll get our Alan Alda fix in the form of The Four Seasons, a 1981 movie he wrote, directed, and starred in. (And cast our beloved Rita Moreno in, as well!)
On today's Round 1, we talk teensplaining: That lovely way that adolescents have of knowing everything and not being the least bit shy about sharing that knowledge, especially with their ignorant parents. From laundry to driving to law enforcement, our (completely uncredentialed) kids are the experts!
On this week's Roundabout Roundup, Nicole is fascinated by the YouTube channel Cargospotter. Terri enjoys The Ensemblist podcast, and Catherine's watching "Blown Away" on Netflix. They're all showcases for people who excel at doing cool stuff.
Thank you as always to Jon Morin for our fun in-and-out music, which you hear on every episode.
We obsess about all those little details of social interactions that we feel unsure about (which means we are also worried about what we have, and haven't, taught our kids about manners and etiquette).
Another parent's college admission post (in July!!) sent Catherine into a shame spiral. That prompted us to complain about not just mom bragging, but our irrational response to it.
On our entertainment-themed Round 2 this week: It was part 2 of the So You Think You Can Dance Academy, and a bunch of dancers thought wrong and were sent packing.
Over on The West Wing, Santos hit the campaign trail hard in "The Mommy Problem," a not-your-father's-West-Wing type of episode. Next week, SYTYCD will select its top 10 female finalists, and on The West Wing, it's "Message of the Week."
We talk about this survey of major milestones, and question how big of a milestone "learn how to iron" really is. Along the way, we get a peek at some of our dark secrets (like the real reason Terri learned how to ride a bike, and the anti-vampire dinner party Catherine held).
On this week's Roundabout Roundup: Terri found a Catholic-friendly meditation app called Hallow. Nicole's following Allie Fisher, a funny (and helpful) mom on Twitter and Instagram. And Catherine's working out with Dirty Yoga (not as bad as it sounds).
Thank you as always to Jon Morin for our fun in-and-out music, which you hear on every episode.
This article on young people starting businesses led us to ask whether our kids could capitalize on their obsessions. Either we don't have enough imagination, or the market hasn't caught up to their passions just yet.
November 2024
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