Today's speed round topic: New Year's Eve (and New Year's Day) traditions and memories, like narrowly avoiding Y2K disaster and giving Times Square a wide berth. How do you celebrate?
We're closing out 2019 and welcoming in 2020 with a week of speed rounds. Today's topic: What's something you did right in 2019? Share your lessons learned and parenting wins in the comments here or on our Facebook page.
On Speed-Round Sunday, we share a mini episode from our past for your weekend listening pleasure.
Whether it's moving to a new country at a moment's notice, moving to the big city with big dreams but no job, or traveling abroad without really being sufficiently worldly, we've done some things in our lives that still leave us a little aghast. Have you done a crazy thing or two in your life? Tell us your tales in the comments here or on our Facebook page.
On Second-Listen Saturday, we share some fun moments from past episodes for your weekend listening pleasure.
We lament the fact that we have to make all the decisions in our families, at least partly because we won't let anyone else do it. Well, two of us handle decision-making that way — find out which of us has discovered the blissful state of decision freedom. You'll also learn about Nicole's Mexican-food ordering strategy and why Catherine does the laundry in her kitchen (see photos). Want more? Listen to the rest of this September 2016 episode.
On this week’s Roundabout Roundup, Catherine sings the praises of the simple apple slicer, while Nicole enjoys Mrs. Fletcher on HBO and Terri recommends the new podcast Movie Mike's Movie Podcast.
Thanks as always to Jon Morin for our fun in-and-out music, which you hear on every episode.
According to an article in US News and World Report, eating foods including salmon, chickpeas, watercress, and sauerkraut could help soothe anxiety and stress. We note that chocolate, cookies, and Cheez-its seem to work equally well. At the very least, they don't add stress. Mentioned: Jameela Jamil on Justin Long's podcast, Life is Short.
On this day of gift-giving in honor of a baby, we discuss whether nontraditional baby shower gifts (like the ones discussed here) are an improvement on the basic baby blanket and onesie. Plus: Bonus complaining about how it's harder than ever to buy gifts for our families.
Special guest Nicole joins Terri and Catherine to talk seasonal entertainment... which she's not actually consuming, as it turns out. Still, we manage to list a lot of our faves.
Movies and TV specials: Love Actually, Elf, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, Bad Santa, John Denver and the Muppets: A Christmas Together, A Very Murray Christmas; and SNL skits: The Hallmark dating show and Macy's clothes for kids. Music: Silver Bells (John Legend version); Sugar and Booze, new from Ana Gasteyer; Christmas in Hollis; Baby It's Cold Outside (John Legend and Kelly Clarkson version); Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah; Adam Sandler's Chanukah Song
Home Alone may be a hit holiday movie, but in our homes, the kids definitely want (or need) company, with one notable exception. A survey of social workers says 12 is the magic age. We say one size never fits all. Mentioned: Parenting horror movies we made up, and a terrifying real one starring Sally Field.
On Speed-Round Sunday, we share a mini episode from our past for your weekend listening pleasure.
In appearance, in temperament, in lying-down-in-a-dark-room-with-a-wet-rag-over-your-eyes anxiety, we all take after one or the other of our parents. Find out which side of the tree our apple doesn't fall too far from, and then tell us who you take after. |
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