Today we're complaining about that fine line between showing our kids compassion and unconditional love, and teaching them that it's not okay to hurt our feelings just because we're moms. Because being passive-aggressive about it doesn't seem to be working.
On this week's entertainment-themed Round 2, we welcome the return of Making It, the crafty, punny competition show hosted by Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman. While episode 1 of season 3 contained maybe more crying than we had expected, it still had plenty of very cool crafts to admire. Next: Episode 2, now with even more makers.
But on Veronica Mars, there wasn't much to admire except the return of Leo (now an FBI agent with a jacket full of snacks!) and his uncomfortable hang-out with Logan. There are a lot of characters (and plots) we're sick of, and it's only been four episodes. Next: Episode 5, "Losing Streak."
With graduation season wrapping up, we talk about how things went for the class of 2021, and how the class of 2020 might be feeling about that. Plus, three of our students head back-to-college/med school in person.
On Speed-Round Sunday, we share a mini episode from our past for your weekend listening pleasure.
Terri's ongoing war with coffee-dive-bombing gnats led to a chat about satisfying homemade fixes for everyday annoyances ... like apple-cider-vinegar traps for GNATS GNATS GNATS! (Mentioned: our Tupperware abundance.)
On Second-Listen Saturday, we share moments from past episodes for your weekend listening pleasure.
We take a look at our LinkedIn profiles and wonder whether we should add positions like "life coach," "chauffeur," "employment counselor," and even "zookeeper." Want more? Listen to the rest of this August 2018 episode.
On this week’s Roundabout Roundup, Nicole has upgraded her robot vacuum to a combo vac/mop (that unfortunately does not kill giant scary spiders). Catherine recommends checking out your city's offerings, which you're paying for anyway so take advantage. And Terri urges you to watch In the Heights, either in the theater or on your own comfy couch.
Thanks as always to Jon Morin for our fun in-and-out music, which you hear on every episode.
What is the protocol for reaching out to your kid's significant other's parents... during/after a pandemic? We don't think Miss Manners has an entry on this.
Spiders and mice and bunnies, oh my! Nicole has a traumatic tale to share, and then we discuss our criteria for gently escorting critters outside vs. declaring war.
On this week's entertainment-themed Round 2, we took a soothing voyage on the Queen Mary with the Steven Soderbergh movie Let Them All Talk. Nothing really happened, but we still enjoyed watching the ocean go by with Meryl Streep, Candice Bergen, and Dianne Wiest. Mentioned: Tim Brayton's review of the film at Alternate Ending.
Over in not-at-all soothing Neptune, California, the Veronica Mars writers tried to make us believe the bomber had been identified. But we've been watching for four seasons now and we knew that couldn't be true. Next: Season 4, episode 4, "Heads You Lose." And we'll enjoy the return of the crafty competition show Making It, hosted by Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman, Thursday nights on NBC.
According to this Wall Street Journal article, fancy tent sleepovers are all the rage right now. So the way we bring our kids back together after isolation is to... separate them into individual tents in the same room? Okay, sure.
November 2024
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