No, we're not calling out this article for telling people how to be toxic parents. We're saying, telling parents their behavior is toxic... is toxic! Mentioned: Our recent episode "Moms Have Feelings, Too."
On this week's entertainment-themed Round 2: Making It observed many holidays, which makes sense for a crafting competition. It at least makes more sense than the judges' criteria for sending people home. We'll miss gravy-swilling Gary quite a bit. Next week: Episode 5.
What we won't miss, when it comes to a close, is Veronica Mars season 4. Specifically, we won't miss Veronica herself and how cruel she is to the people around her. You don't deserve any of them, Veronica! Next: "Years, Continents, Bloodshed," the final episode of this season (thank goodness).
Catherine's son is away at camp... without his phone! However will she know where he is and what he's doing?? (Turns out, what he is doing is buying candy bars at the camp store.)
On Speed-Round Sunday, we share a mini episode from our past for your weekend listening pleasure.
For those with petite closets and serious weather shifts, it's the most arduous time of the year when the T-shirts and shorts go away and the sweaters and long pants emerge. No need for that in your life? Know that Terri is super-jealous.
On Second-Listen Saturday, we share moments from past episodes for your weekend listening pleasure.
We debate safety vs. strength: Do we want our kids to take risks in order to become strong? Would it surprise you to learn we can't answer such a black-and-white question? Want more? Listen to the rest of this September 2018 episode. Roundabout Roundup: Cucina Fruits and Passion Hand Cream, A Bit Above Podcast, Latuza Pajamas7/16/2021
On this week’s Roundabout Roundup: Nicole's loving the look, scent, and feel of Cucina Fruits and Passion Regenerating Hand Cream. Terri was a guest on the A Bit Above podcast, and she recommends you give it a listen. And Catherine's resting easy in super-soft bamboo pajamas.
Thanks as always to Jon Morin for our fun in-and-out music, which you hear on every episode.
After reading about Internet Dad Rob Kenney, we brainstormed all the services we could provide as Internet Moms: Gentle nagging! Etiquette advice! Affirmations (with a side of gentle nagging)!
We agree with this Scary Mommy writer, who calls herself "a grumpy spoilsport who hates pranks and teasing." We just don't see the humor in someone being tricked or publicly embarrassed (although Nicole does make an exception for the people on Ryan's Roses, who have it coming to them).
On this week's entertainment-themed Round 2, the Making It makers make just one "MEGA CRAFT!!!," which still leaves us with too many comedy bits and personal stories and not enough crafting. We just want to see people making stuff, please!
This week's episode of Veronica Mars was titled "Entering a World of Pain," which surprised us because hasn't Neptune been a world of pain for four seasons now? Mentioned: Big Red Machine featuring Taylor Swift and "Renegade," which should be Logan's theme song, and our episode on parents who sit in first class while their kids are in coach (à la Matty's mom and stepdad).
Collab? It's cute when family members create content together (like Walker Hayes's "Fancy Like" dances with his daughter), but our kids have absolutely no interest. In fact, some of them might implode at the mere thought of appearing online anywhere in the vicinity of their mothers. Mentioned: Terri (sans offspring) was a guest on the A Bit Above podcast.
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